Wednesday 11 November 2009

Piracy P2P

Nur's Analysis & Opinions

Piracy causing UK devs to consider new business practices

In this article, it shows businesses in the UK how UK developers threat their own businesses. It is most likely that, as a result of P2P piracy, businesses are in at high risk of looking new practices. In this case, they are initiative in delivering new content and communicating with their consumers.

In my case, delivering bad content gives your company an issue on the rise. It is now that people are copying games and shared with other users on the Internet. Users shouldn't threat game businesses because it may have harm the creators on loosing their money.

We must stop illegal downloads

This article talks about the piracy of sharing music via P2P file sharing. It said that users nowadays download music when music business and artists are loosing money. Downloading and sharing music can harm creators, labels, and investors.

Nowadays users are relying on the Internet. They are downloading a copyrighted material which they shouldn't. This lead entertainment companies to loss money on the move.

Pirates Look Forward to Business

This article summarizes the piracy towards the new website, Isohunt, talks about how piracy and copyright infringement were introduce to the entertainment industry and creators (as shown in the first video). The second video talks about how people record movies from a cinema, watch, and download from the P2P file sharing, and businesses are now making money out of it.

It seems that a new P2P file-sharing company has made a new website called Isohunt. This will give the chance of P2P file-sharing on users to watch films or listens to music.

What can you do if your work has been published and someone took it via what they can do to transfer? Is there any other ways to publish copyright material beside Isohunt? What can you think to help users to watch and send their favorite movie/song?

Akira's Analysis & Opinions

Action on unlawful P2P file-sharing

According to this article, the government of UK decides to have much strict law about peer-to-peer file sharing, because of piracy problem. By the government, the ISP, internet service providers have to make some restrictions to the people when they surf on internet. Some of the examples of restrictions when internet users seem to violate the law of copyright are; making the internet users unable to connect to any kind of peer-to-peer program, blocking websites where people can download files, temporary or permanently suspending the users’ internet account, lowering the speed of broadband, and so on. All these examples are to prevent the piracy problem on internet.

Since the internet has spread so wide and quick to the people recently, almost all the people have internet connection every day. And because of the internet, the piracy has become one of the biggest issues in internet. Especially P2P programs allow internet users to share files very easy; not a lot of IT knowledge is required to use P2P programs. So that is why there are so many people who use P2P programs in the world. Music, games, movies, etc, there are so many files that are copyrighted, that is why the UK government has made this step of limiting the use of internet, obligating to the ISP. This idea can be very good for those who are against pirating, for example a company that sells CD with various songs, if their songs were pirated on internet, it can damage its business because the people will not CDs. However this idea can also be very bad for some people. This is because for example, if the government tells one of the ISP to limit the use of internet of the users, then the providers might lose their customers because not giving them satisfactory service to the internet users, and neither the users would not be happy if their use of internet gets limited.

So lastly, do you think the UK government decision, about restricting the use of peer-to-peer program, the internet is a good idea, even if most of the nations disagree? Why do you think it is a good decision, or why not?

In my personal opinion, I disagree with the decision that UK’s government has made. Because internet was meant to connect people in distance, so if the government or ISP limits the internet users’ then it just destroys the whole point.


  1. In response to Akira's article, I also disagree on the approach that the UK government has decided to take. Due to the invention of peer-to-peer programs or downloading sites, it is true that the breach of copyrights has increased over the past years. However, I do not think that blocking websites and programs is the right way to do this. A P2P program could actually benefit some people. For example, some artists could popularize their music by uploading it on p2p sites so people can download it and listen to it. Although the government is trying to protect copyrights of artists and movies, I do not think that the way they are doing it is the best way.

  2. Restricting or banning P2P programs is a good idea overall. By restricting these P2P programs the amount of piracy out in the web and in the world, in this case the UK, would decrease greatly. Since the release of P2P programs industries, like movie and music mainly, have been in my opinion the most affected by "illegal" downloads so benning P2P would be a great move to end piracy that could work around the world.
    On the other hand, metioned by akira, you have the internet companies that will be affected by this decicion. Since they can't provide with the bandwith that the customers require, then customers are lost and the company is greatly affected. So, despite the good it would do there is also the companies that are not guilty of anything but providing the internet which is no crime.

  3. Blocking p2p software in such a unethical way to people in the UK is not the best way to solve the copyright problems. Many developing artist use P2P to show the public their work in order to be successful and recognized. P2P not only allowed them to post their work but it was free and accessible for a massive group of people which takes their opportunity to overcome. Other governments could take this action as an example and imply it on their countries which can create a big issue worldwide. We believe that the solution should be stopping p2p software like lime wire or creating others that you could pay for the content.

  4. I agree with all of you here (Chong, Cesar, & Paola). P2P file-sharing is not a problem to this situation. In my opinion, P2P is a good way to communicate with your friends and other users to share the recommendation from each other. That is all I can say.

  5. I believe that peer-to peer programs should not be restricted as the UK proposed, because I think that even though copyright is a big problem nowadays, I think this is not the best method to reduce it, because p2p is a way and a different option that people have to download music free and as Chong said, this is a good resource for artist to popularize their music and therefore it benefits the artist and many other people, this is like a program that is convenient for everyone it you look at the positive side. In the other hand, I understand that the government is trying to work the best to decrease copyright, since this issue affects big companies that are not guilty of this thing that are being posted on the Internet, as Cesar said but the government should look for other options instead of banning P2P which could cause a lot of controversy among people.

  6. Once the information or the product is in the internet it is then public, after that anything goes.

  7. i think that the UK government shouldnt block P2P in their nations as this is also a way where artists might advertise their products, and also it can be a way where education can expand. P2P means sharing and unless this service charges users, isnt ilegal, as people can share their documents legally.
