Monday, 23 November 2009

Microsoft Bans One Million Xbox gamers

Now Microsoft has taken action, that about one million of Xbox live players were banned because they were playing game with illegaly downloaded or pirated themselves.,news-5092.html
Microsoft states to the consumer that piracy is ilelga, and if you play with pirated disc you will lose your warranty. This action was taken after the release of "Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2" one of the most popular games in Xbox. However before the release of this disc, so-called warez showed up on pirate site and so many people have downloaded, so the Microsft has taken this action.

But the quiestion is, obviously there are more than one mllion people who are using te pirated game. That means some of the people were banned because of using illegal games, but some were not. In fact, if you see the link below, there are some comments syaing that people around them can still use the pirated game. I think that seems too unfair for the players.

Well, even if this action of Microsoft can just be a warning to those who still use pirated games with Xbox, because not only this news, but there are so many pirated games with Xbox, but I still think this is too unfair to the players.

So what do you think with this action that Microsoft took? good or bad? and why?


  1. The fact that Microsoft wants to reduce piracy is good, but I consider that the action that Microsoft took wasn't the best because if it doesn't apply to everyone is very unfair, since more than one million people download piracy games and not all of them are banned, this could be that either they are doing it on purpose to scare people so they stop doing it or their policy term of use does not work as they expected to. In a way is also not very convenient to Microsoft because the people that were banned will not buy more video games, which will diminish the number of sales.

  2. I think that the action that Microsoft took was too radical. Blocking might seem like a good idea, but however in the world of piracy, we must take into account that no matter what, people always find a way to overcome the obstacles that companies put in front of them. It is not so different with this example. Microsoft blocked users, users overcame that blockage. Furthermore, I think that Microsoft, being such a huge IT company, would have probably realized that blocking players wouldn't have worked. Yea, it might have reduced the number of players playing illegally, but it didn't solve the problem itself.
