Friday 27 November 2009

Whether fight against piracy or not.

As I have mentioned before, in order to fight against the privacy, UK decides to have the "3 strikes" to the internet users, if they share the copyrighted multimedia files, the ISP will lower the speed or block the use of internet.
However the problem here is the researchers in UK have discovered that the cost of "3 strikes" project is more than the amount of money that music label loses due to the piracy.
The link on the bottom is the video about the situation of UK against those piracy issue.
So do yout think the UK still have to fight against the piracy even if it cost more than the amount of money due to the piracy issue?

Monday 23 November 2009

Microsoft Bans One Million Xbox gamers

Now Microsoft has taken action, that about one million of Xbox live players were banned because they were playing game with illegaly downloaded or pirated themselves.,news-5092.html
Microsoft states to the consumer that piracy is ilelga, and if you play with pirated disc you will lose your warranty. This action was taken after the release of "Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2" one of the most popular games in Xbox. However before the release of this disc, so-called warez showed up on pirate site and so many people have downloaded, so the Microsft has taken this action.

But the quiestion is, obviously there are more than one mllion people who are using te pirated game. That means some of the people were banned because of using illegal games, but some were not. In fact, if you see the link below, there are some comments syaing that people around them can still use the pirated game. I think that seems too unfair for the players.

Well, even if this action of Microsoft can just be a warning to those who still use pirated games with Xbox, because not only this news, but there are so many pirated games with Xbox, but I still think this is too unfair to the players.

So what do you think with this action that Microsoft took? good or bad? and why?

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Piracy Issue in Developing Countries (Akira)

In this website, it shows you the rate of software piracy by country and here are some screenshots I took.

The picture above is the 5 top countries that have the least rate of software piracy deployed.

And this one is the 5 countries that have the highest rate of pirated software deployed.

As you can see the two pictures, the average of the pirated software deployed is 59%, more than half. Also the developed countries tend to have lower rate of software piracy and developing countries have the high percentage. Perhaps in developing countries, they have a lot more poor people that do not have enough money to buy software legally, because they have lower salary. But what I also think is because people who live in developing countries do not have opportunities to buy legally like they do in developed country. For example iTunes store, the most famous store to buy music, movies and other medias in these days. But even iTunes don’t expand a lot its business to the developing countries, which makes the consumers much difficult to buy their product, so it cause the high rate of producing pirated products. Like here in Venezuela, currency is a problem so it is not easy to get imported product, impossible to buy products from iTunes. On the street, the people are selling pirated movies and songs and there are sometimes polices standing right next to them but they do not even care.

So once again my opinion, it cannot be helped that piracy issue in developing countries get worse, unless those companies try to expand their business to developing countries, giving the consumers to have much more opportunities to buy their product like it does in developed countries.
Music industry sings different tune

The fact, from this article, when piracy became a problem, music was the first media that was seriously affected by it. Especially during the last decade, the number of products sold by the music sales had fallen by more than a third. Plus 95% of download on internet is illegal, so we can tell that piracy is very serious problem.
Finally, what do you people think the sellers should do to have the least amount of pirated products? Expanding the companies to the dfeveloping countries is a god idea, but consider that it is very hard to open stores in those countries because it is expectable that the company will not get much profit like they would do in develope countries, where they have less rate of pirated product deployed.

Monday 16 November 2009

China Rules Microsoft Violated Intellectual Property Rights

A Beijing court has ruled that Microsoft violated a Chinese company's intellectual property rights in a case over fonts used in past Windows operating systems. The ethical issue is that the pirated version of Windows 7 were on sale in one of Beijing bazaars in weeks before the software was release the previous month. This is mostly that Windows use Chinese fonts and that was stopped by Beijing Number One Intermediate People's court.

In my opinion, if the newest software versions has been sale the previous month, why would you want to sale the pirated versions on the street. For me, I won't even sale a pirated version unless I could get permission from the company if I can pirated. So, what is the best way to do: to sale the pirated versions before it sale the previous month or wait for the newest versions of Windows 7?

US Companies in China Ask Obama for Help on Piracy

U.S. President Barack Obama is looking forward to work with China for increasing the protection of intellectual property rights. The ethical issue in this article shows that pirated video games, DVDs, and software are widely sold the streets and markets of China. It is considered that U.S. recognized China as a market economy.

Do you really think that U.S. believe that they can help China? If so, explain the situation. For me, it would be a good idea to protect piracy issues on intellectual property. This can help China improve its marketing economy for their future in business.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Piracy P2P

Nur's Analysis & Opinions

Piracy causing UK devs to consider new business practices

In this article, it shows businesses in the UK how UK developers threat their own businesses. It is most likely that, as a result of P2P piracy, businesses are in at high risk of looking new practices. In this case, they are initiative in delivering new content and communicating with their consumers.

In my case, delivering bad content gives your company an issue on the rise. It is now that people are copying games and shared with other users on the Internet. Users shouldn't threat game businesses because it may have harm the creators on loosing their money.

We must stop illegal downloads

This article talks about the piracy of sharing music via P2P file sharing. It said that users nowadays download music when music business and artists are loosing money. Downloading and sharing music can harm creators, labels, and investors.

Nowadays users are relying on the Internet. They are downloading a copyrighted material which they shouldn't. This lead entertainment companies to loss money on the move.

Pirates Look Forward to Business

This article summarizes the piracy towards the new website, Isohunt, talks about how piracy and copyright infringement were introduce to the entertainment industry and creators (as shown in the first video). The second video talks about how people record movies from a cinema, watch, and download from the P2P file sharing, and businesses are now making money out of it.

It seems that a new P2P file-sharing company has made a new website called Isohunt. This will give the chance of P2P file-sharing on users to watch films or listens to music.

What can you do if your work has been published and someone took it via what they can do to transfer? Is there any other ways to publish copyright material beside Isohunt? What can you think to help users to watch and send their favorite movie/song?

Akira's Analysis & Opinions

Action on unlawful P2P file-sharing

According to this article, the government of UK decides to have much strict law about peer-to-peer file sharing, because of piracy problem. By the government, the ISP, internet service providers have to make some restrictions to the people when they surf on internet. Some of the examples of restrictions when internet users seem to violate the law of copyright are; making the internet users unable to connect to any kind of peer-to-peer program, blocking websites where people can download files, temporary or permanently suspending the users’ internet account, lowering the speed of broadband, and so on. All these examples are to prevent the piracy problem on internet.

Since the internet has spread so wide and quick to the people recently, almost all the people have internet connection every day. And because of the internet, the piracy has become one of the biggest issues in internet. Especially P2P programs allow internet users to share files very easy; not a lot of IT knowledge is required to use P2P programs. So that is why there are so many people who use P2P programs in the world. Music, games, movies, etc, there are so many files that are copyrighted, that is why the UK government has made this step of limiting the use of internet, obligating to the ISP. This idea can be very good for those who are against pirating, for example a company that sells CD with various songs, if their songs were pirated on internet, it can damage its business because the people will not CDs. However this idea can also be very bad for some people. This is because for example, if the government tells one of the ISP to limit the use of internet of the users, then the providers might lose their customers because not giving them satisfactory service to the internet users, and neither the users would not be happy if their use of internet gets limited.

So lastly, do you think the UK government decision, about restricting the use of peer-to-peer program, the internet is a good idea, even if most of the nations disagree? Why do you think it is a good decision, or why not?

In my personal opinion, I disagree with the decision that UK’s government has made. Because internet was meant to connect people in distance, so if the government or ISP limits the internet users’ then it just destroys the whole point.